Targeted workshops for common concerns

  • A plan for optimal living

    As a coach working with burn out I see again and again how these three areas of life often need attention. They involve manageable but important focus and adjustment.

    Your day - Session 1 will include a look at how you structure your day. The things you do well, what can be improved and what you do for you. You will learn how to optimise your life through awareness of your needs.

    Your health - Session 2 will look at your health; work/life balance, exercise, nutrition. You will identify achievable change to sustain good health.

    Your nervous system - Session 3 will look at your nervous system and your sleep. You will learn tools that you can take forward into the rest of your life.

  • Exam Anxiety

    A three session focus on exam anxiety.

    Session 1 will include some psycho education, explaining what happens to the brain when stressed and why this impacts exam performance. Some calming techniques will be taught.

    Session 2 will include a body scan and relaxation personalised to the individual. An audio recording of a personalised relaxation will be supplied by email for use at times of stress.

    Session 3 will include a positive rehearsal of being able to enter an exam with confidence. By mentally rehearsing the feeling of confidence and combining this with learned calming behaviours the student can remain in control.